about the neighbourhood
Think Property & Co offer property management in Clifton Hill; with its incredible expansive parklands, great local hot spots and a community for young growing families, Clifton Hill is a picturesque nook bordering Fitzroy North. History and icons are big in Clifton Hill, from streets lined with heritage homes and green leafy trees to the striking shot tower and famous Art Deco fast food joint. The hub of Clifton hill is located along Queens Parade shops, where punters can stock up on fresh produce and explore the quirky collection of shops that have been preserved in their original state in Victorian-era architecture.
21.7% Singles and Homesharers aged 35-54
17.4 % Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
14.8% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 35-44
looking for rental management in Clifton Hill?
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Delivering a bespoke Property Management and Sales service.
Randal Sharp 0404 209 555 or +61 3 9416 1708