about the neighbourhood
Think Property & Co offer property management in Fitzroy, decidedly cool and the birthplace of the hipster culture, Fitzroy exudes an energy that’s fuelled by a mass of trendy cafes, bars, restaurants, galleries and offbeat holes in the wall. Explore the quirky concept stores of Smith Street or dine in any number of Gertrude Street’s world-class eateries. Historic double-storey terraces and quaint Victorian cottages front leafy side streets while warehouse conversions and brand new apartments appeal to those with a modernist bent. The Rose Street Artists Market is a hub of creativity and is dubbed the ‘art precinct’. Constantly evolving, Fitzroy is home to leafy residential streets and colourful characters that keep the spirit of cool and class alive.
35.1% Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
26.5% Singles and Homesharers aged 35-54
9.4% Singles and Homesharers aged 55-64
looking for rental management in Fitzroy?
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Delivering a bespoke Property Management and Sales service.
Randal Sharp 0404 209 555 or +61 3 9416 1708