about the neighbourhood
Think Property & Co offer property management in Prahran, home to some of Melbourne’s most iconic shopping streets Chapel Street and the Prahran Market. Prahran boasts many high-end fashion boutiques, restaurants and cafes. Greville Street, was once the centre of the Melbourne’s hippie community, now a focus of cool with Commercial road just around the corner is one of Melbourne’s popular gay villages. Architecture ranges from Victorian terraces, sleek, ultra-modernist apartment complexes or renovated old school emporiums.
31.9% Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
24.6% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 35-44
9.8% Singles and Homesharers aged 55-64
looking for rental management in Prahran?
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Delivering a bespoke Property Management and Sales service.
Randal Sharp 0404 209 555 or +61 3 9416 1708