about the neighbourhood
Think Property & Co offer property management in Glen Iris, Green leafy streets run through the tranquil suburb of Glen iris , which boast larger block sizes (than most) with gorgeous period homes, as well as a good range of apartment and unit living too. Great schools a really family friendly suburb. Home to Harold Holt Swim Centre, a BMX track at Hill’n’Dale Park, Burwood District Bowls Club and a number of reserves and ovals, including Hartwell Sports Ground, Ferndale Park and T.H. King Oval. Convenient for transport two train stations on the Glen Waverley railway line, Gardiner and Glen Iris, are within the suburb.
20.9% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 55-64
17.5% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 45-54
14.3% Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
looking for rental management in Glen Iris?
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Delivering a bespoke Property Management and Sales service.
Randal Sharp 0404 209 555 or +61 3 9416 1708