about the neighbourhood
Think Property & Co offer property management in Port Melbourne offers a great lifestyle featuring trendy Station Pier restaurants and cafes with and busy Bay Street’s shops, easy access via light rail to the CBD. The suburb is diverse and historic, featuring exclusive apartments, bayside beaches and the main port to Tasmania. Port Melbourne started life out as Sandridge and was developed as the City’s second port. Formerly an industrial area Port Melbourne has been revitalised with intense urban renewal over the past decade. The architecture ranges from old workers’ cottages to pretty waterfront developments and interesting new apartments, compact lifestyle with the beach on your doorstep. Home to one end of the West Gate Bridge, Fishermans Bend, Garden City and Beacon Cove.
25.4% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 35-44
16.5% Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
11.7% Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 35-44
looking for rental management in Port Malbourne?
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Delivering a bespoke Property Management and Sales service.
Randal Sharp 0404 209 555 or +61 3 9416 1708