Well who doesn’t love North Melbourne? renowned for its Markets, Markets and hub of activity North Melbourne boasts something for everyone. With its Victorian “Boom Style” architecture of the 1880s housing in the wide tree-lined streets, North Melbourne boasts a cosmopolitan demographic, commercial and older industrial buildings that are rapidly being converted to residential homes and complexes.The grand North Melbourne Town Hall is a magnificent architectural focal point and Errol street is the life blood of the area, featuring regular creative markets and cool coffee shops.
44.1% Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
17.3% Singles and Homesharers aged 35-54
10.1% Singles and Homesharers aged 55-64
This suburb has a median house price of $982,500.This suburb has a median house rent cost of $570 PW.
Here are a list of some of our favourite markets;
Mystery Markets
Queen Victoria Markets
Night Markets
and for entertainment check out the meat market!
If you’re keen to discuss your property needs or just sick of bad property management do give us a call!
Martine Bannister, Randal Sharp & The team at Think Property & Co
18 Little Oxford Street, Collingwood, Australia, 3066
+61 3 8320 6399 / hello@thinkpropertyco.com