Prahran median prices and suburb profile

Prahran median prices and suburb profile

Prahran, is home to some of Melbourne’s most iconic shopping streets Chapel Street and the Prahran Market. Prahran boasts many high-end fashion boutiques, restaurants and cafes. Greville Street, was once the centre of the Melbourne’s hippie community, now a focus of cool with commercial road just around the corner is one of Melbourne’s popular gay villages. Think Property & Co loves serving this suburb, the Median property price

$1,312,500 and to rent you are looking at $550 for 2 bedrooms for more information about selling, renting or buying in Prahran drop us a line- we would love to help. #thinkpropertyco

f you’re keen to discuss your property needs, sick of bad property management do give us a call!

Martine, Randal & The team at Think Property & Co

18 Little Oxford Street, Collingwood, Australia, 3066

+61 3 8320 6399 /

Think Property & Co Prahran Market flowers cool cafe Prahran Think Property & Co Prahran bikes on pole commercial road Think Property & Co Prahran dancing man in fruit stand Think Property & Co Prahran Chapel Street tram lines Think Property & Co Prahran cafe culture

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