Short-Stay No Longer?
A New Way of Leasing
Routine Inspections with TP&Co
In Partnership With: Gertrude & Gore
That’s A Wrap | TP&Co’s 2019 Reflection
Another year bites the dust, and what a year it was! Welcome to Think Property & Co‘s December wrap-up, a reflection on all of the happenings within the property industry – and our team – in 2019. With the end of year fast approaching, we hope that your hard efforts are rewarded with a moment […]
Residential Tenancies Regulations
Victoria’s leasing laws are set to change dramatically as of July 1st, 2020 as our industry ushers in and implements a full suite of legislative reforms. These changes are a direct response to community feedback during the Victorian Government’s Fairer Safer Housing consultation to review the 1997 Residential Tenancies Act. In this month’s Think Property […]
Think Property & Co on Agent Ethics and Kick-backs
As with any industry, the real estate category is populated by expert professionals who comply with the letter of the law. Unfortunately, it also features ne’er-do-wells who are focused solely on income, customer service and ethics be dashes. Such behavior has created a negative reputation for an industry which – overall – is focused on […]
Reducing Real Estate’s Environmental Impact
In our efforts to make buying, leasing and selling #BetterForEveryone, Think Property & Co have switched many of our processes to a sustainable paperless system. We recognise the value of improving our environmental footprint and encourage those in the real estate community to join us by implementing everyday changes that will help save our planet. This […]
Tenant Reference Checks
At Think Property & Co, our real estate specialists go the extra mile to ensure that physical safety and asset protection is a priority for tenants, landlords and agents alike. To minimise risk and improve outcomes, we recognise the importance of conducting thorough and accurate tenant reference checks. This TP & Co blog explores the […]